Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Energy ...

I can remember back - most days it seems way back - when I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease, when I first removed all the gluten out of my diet - then basically eating very simply (as I knew so little about gluten, what it was, how much it is a part of our daily food intake) - meats & veggies, rice - not much else.  I remember how my body felt in that first initial start of cleansing my system from gluten - how I had this "energy" to spare, felt ready to "tackle" anything, motivated, clear-headed - my emotional state felt more stable, and even for the first time in a long time felt simply - strong, of body, spirit and mind.  My goal is to find my way back to that state ~ for it seems I have so much more yet to learn about this disease, my body and life.  I am amazed daily at the connection of food & system (entire - mental, physical, spiritual) and how this directs our every action in life.

It has been three years of living - of ups and downs - of slowly learning and changing things to get myself back to that first "blush" of becoming gluten free.  Life has been full of constant change, many disappointments, new joys, and a lot of stress in varying levels.  Stress is harmful to immune systems - it is a fact that stress plays havoc with the systems of those with gluten intolerance, celiac disease, anyone with intestinal and stomach issues - and even that stress is one of the major "activators" as it were of Celiac Disease and full-scale symptoms.

Over the last three years I have been doing a lot of researching, reading, learning about Celiac Disease - I have had some major "downs" when being exposed to "gluten" - and I am still amazed at the long lasting negative effects something that could be in such a small amount - a mere micro-organism can create a for lack of better term "crash" of my entire system, not for hours, days or weeks even but the inflammation/auto immune reaction can depress my system for months, and during that time it is a struggle to keep that "goal" of total health in mind and a priority.  It boggles me, and at times frustrates me to a point where I doubt I can do both - live - live the way I want to - exploring life and food in and outside the confines of my "safe home" and still be healthy and happy.

Lack of energy and motivation:  an energy "crisis" as well put by Gluten Free Chickie
I appreciated her tip about being patient and gentle with and to ourselves ~ especially when we are exposed to gluten and suffering the reaction to our entire systems.

I find I struggle being patient with my body, and the lack of energy and motivation - knowing how I could feel and how I want to feel, all I would like to accomplish and become frustrated and yes - let's say the word - "depressed" in spirit that I can't "force" myself to be well and happy.  I have much I want to do, to live, to accomplish ~ and I "selfishly" want to feel well enough to do it - NOW!  :)

I started my blog - my living gluten free blog - because I was motivated by the amazing men and women out there that are food bloggers especially ones that write about gluten free living - people like me who like to "weirdly" take pictures of their food and food experiences and write about it.  I appreciate when they also write about ALL of it - the upside and downside of living life gluten free - of living life as someone who has Celiac Disease. 

So I need to give a shout out today to a few amazing bloggers - and thank them, and there will be more shout outs in the future - because we only all benefit by staying connected to all the information and viewpoints out there!!  :)

So THANK YOU - and keep on blogging because we are out here reading and being inspired :)

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